Thanks to David Lassman for this guest post
writer, consultant, teacher
Press & PR Officer for Frome Writers Collective
writer, consultant, teacher
Press & PR Officer for Frome Writers Collective
Frome basks in collective success
If you happen to have been in Frome or the surrounding areas lately it is more than likely you crossed paths with rumblings about a new initiative that has already received several column inches worth of positive media coverage and has the local creative writing scene buzzing with anticipation.
The Frome Writers Collective is a recently formed, not-for-profit organisation which has as its remit the sharing of information and resources in order to help and support the local community of aspiring and established writers and associated professionals; the latter comprising of such groups as illustrators, editors, proof-readers and publishers.
And, as if to offer proof the wider creative communities there have instantly given their stamp of approval to the enterprise and taken it to their hearts, one of the most celebrated names in publishing has agreed to speak at the FWC’s official launch next month.
Perhaps best known locally as the man behind Chicken House, the Frome-based publisher of children’s books that has more best-sellers to its name than most publishing houses in the south-west put together, Barry Cunningham is also, to anyone with more than a passing interest in the publishing world, the man who discovered J.K. Rowling.
It is hardly surprising then, as I write this blog, the event at Frome Library where Barry will be appearing as one of a quartet of speakers is rapidly selling-out and becoming one of the ‘must attend’ soirees of the town’s summer creative diary.
Add to this a rapidly expanding FWC membership base that already includes the town’s mayor, a self-published author himself, long-listed novelists, short-listed poets, award-winning writers and even an internationally-acclaimed steampunk aficionado, and it becomes very hard to predicate a limit to the group’s ascendancy.
But just in case you want to witness this phenomenon for yourself, with the proviso there are still tickets left to be had of course, details of the launch are: Publishing in the 21st Century / Frome Writers’Collective Official launch Frome Library, June 8, 2-4pm. Tickets cost £7.50 and are available from the Cheese and Grain box office, tel: 01373 455420 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
01373 455420 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting. For more information on the Frome Writers Collective in general, see uk/.

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