Tuesday 24 November 2015

Sad News David J Rodger 1970-2015

It is with a heavy heart that I report that David J Rodger took his own life at the weekend.

Image result for david j rodger

I have been stunned and, of course, terribly saddened by this news.

His guest post on this blog is here: http://brsbkblog.blogspot.co.uk/2014/07/todays-guest-post-is-by-david-rodger.html

Tom has some very nice words on his website - http://www.thomasdavidparker.com/for-david/

Jo Hall has also some nice words here: https://hierath.wordpress.com/2015/11/24/david-j-rodger-1970-2015/

David was in deep pain with anxiety and depression yet he hid it so well. Only on our last meeting did I feel like something was wrong. Yet even then he was full of plans, his last mail to me looking towards the future. David and I (with Tom Parker) were planning on working on a project together next year.

He will be sorely missed by the Bristol writing community, and of course his friends and family.

Rest in Peace!

Thursday 12 November 2015

Guest Post - Narek Vardanyan - Best Crowdfunding Videos: The Formula for Success


Narek is an author and consultant and blogs about Crowdfunding at http://thecrowdfundingformula.com/index.php/about/

Today he has dropped by to talk about Crowdfunding videos.

Monday 2 November 2015


Last night, braving the fog, I went along to an event organised by the Bristol Women Writers

Spine-Tinglers billed as "members and guests make you shiver or smile with their spine-tingling stories."
We had decapitations, carnivorous slugs, dancing nuns, rats, ghostly goings on, icy wastes, death row and much much more. It was a great evening of tales and I had a great time.

It was really atmospheric walking home in the fog afterwards too!

Spine-Tinglers Flyer

Belated literature shenanigans

Bristol Festival of Literature came to an end on October 24th and I've been remiss in blogging.

On Tuesday it was "Unreliable Histories" in Redcliffe caves - the caves are a special venue and always packed out and this year was no exception. The Bristol Writers filled the caves with some wonderful tales

On Wednesday I was reading at "Written from Art" and it was also Word of Mouth at the Thunderbolt.

The Written from art event went really well and Carol Peace's studio is well worth a visit. The poetry after in the Thunderbolt was also really good.

 (One of Carol's sculptures)

On Thursday I took a break from the festival, but still did some book related stuff by dropping in to see Jonathan L Howard signing books at Forbidden Planet.

Friday was the Flash Slam, compered by Nikesh Shukla. The North Bristol Writers came second. Mel Ciavucco of the Stokes Croft Writers has a fantastic blog about it here & yes we were taken aback by having to write a story in 20 minutes. Congratulations to the Bristol Novelists for winning!

Saturday was the wrap up - the Speakeasy - with music, Talking Tales and an interview with Tracey Alexander. Time to let our hair down and unwind from another fabulous festival. 

The festival was a great success and people are already talking about next year - which is great!

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