Monday 16 September 2013

A brief (?) hiatus since last week was travelling with work – visited London and Paris and spent the weekend in a yurt sans electronics. I did however use a Nook for the first time – to read an ARC of Comets by David Eicher, the Fictional Man by Al Ewing and Lupus Rex by                John Carter Cash. Reviews very shortly. Whilst using a proper e-reader for the first time (have always just used the Kindle App before) I found it pretty good and the battery lasted very well indeed.


Whilst in London I went to The special relationship evening at the Book club where Hannah Berry, Toby Litt, SJ Harris and William Goldsmith with an evening of graphic novel fun. Nora Goldberg came dressed as Robert Crumb but it seems no-one caught that on camera. SJ Harris interviewed the eponymous protagonist of his book Eustace who eats a lot of soup apparently. Hannah “comics practitioner” Berry acted out two scenes from her new book with an SF author whose name escapes me (this is why I need to pick up cards from people!) including a Jungle rap, , William talked about his forthcoming book and Toby Litt spoke a little about Dead Boy Detectives and read out a short story. In between times Tom Basden entertained us with song, film and readings from a choose your own adventure book with an unlikely famous actor author. It was a highly entertaining evening and I got to meet Nora who I follow on Twitter which is nice.

Importnat lesson - make notes! or at least don't leave reviewing an event for a week...

I watched Iron Man 3 and The Perfect Host last night and was glad to see that a) not all big budget movies are bad (I liked the Kiss Kiss Bang  Bang references in IM3) and b) Hollywood can still do intelligent films (Although Perfect Host completely passed me by at the cinema) - recommend both of them.

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