This is a writing book pitched at indie authors (self or assisted publish) mainly about how to edit & market your book. It’s short and pithy and worth a read if you don’t know much about publishing. It also has plenty of examples on how to write using the author’s own work to underline the writing advice – showing bad and good writing side by side.
Overall – Solid advice in this short book, but nothing new (to me)
Just Add Writing by Meg Kingston
This is a great little book that you can slip into your pocket and take with you to dip into and keep dipping into. Especially if you invest in a set of dragon dice so you can use the randomisers in there. There is a quiz to see if you have what it takes to be a NanoWriMo author (or indeed an author) and plenty of fun tips. It is written in an informal and engaging style and although only took an hour to read is one that will take a while to sink in & I know I’ll be revisiting it again.
Overall – Great little book of writing advice, some interesting writing tasks, one to keep dipping into
Werewolves of Montpellier by Jason
We follow the story of an ex-pat jewel thief as he dresses as a werewolf to roam the rooftops of Paris and steal people’s jewels. He is in love with his lesbian neighbour and plays chess with a misogynist friend who gives him tips on how to stare at women’s T&A better. When the real werewolves of paris find out they target him. The ending is a bit odd. Being a Jason comic the art is strange with anthropomorphic animals but always seems to gel with the story.

Overall – a bit staccato with each page seeming to stand partly alone it is a bit too episodic to work well as a coherent narrative, and yet it is very enjoyable nonetheless
The Gigantic beard that was evil by Stephen Collins
Category – 6 GN
Dave has been bald all his life. Except for 1 hair. Dave likes to draw pictures of his street. Dave lives in a place called Here, with his back to the sea that separates Here from There. Everything is tidy in Here but when Dave grows a beard everything changes. This is an understated book but one with a core idea that will make you think. The panel layout is nicely done and the understated art is great.

Overall – This is a book with a big idea, presented simply and beautifully rendered in A4 printed on high quality paper with a reassuring heft. Recommended
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