Monday 10 June 2013

So overcome by a foolish optimism I have joined the Clarion Write-a-thon

Go For It Badge

and immediately faced the FEAR (see Gareth Powell's posts on the FEAR here:

I mean Cory Doctorow and Cat Rambo are writers in the Write-a-thon! What was I thinking? Well let me tell you. I was thinking that I've been doodling so far, although it's been very nice to be on 1000 words (when I see my story there on the 27th I'll be very proud) but I have yet to set myself a writing target, or write consistently every day. So, that's why I jumped in. My aim is to get into the habit of writing 500 words a day and thus jump start a novel. I expect as it's my first attempt it'll be awful to so-so and need a huge amount of work. But it seems that all the advice, that all them published author types give you, says write. Just write. Get your words down. Finish what you write. I guess I'll learn a lot in the process of writing so that eventually my stuff may get beyond so-so. JFDI as we say in the day job Just F*cking Do It.

So my next step is to not hide the fact that I'm leaping into trying to write a book and it's quite possible that I'll fail. That step is to ask you, dear reader, to cough up some CASH in return for me knuckling down to it. It's for a good cause (if you like reading!) and knowing that you're rooting for me will give me the kick up the bottom I definitely need.

On a similar note I aim to do NaNoWriMo in November too

Now expecting the inevitable "what's it about?" questions, which at this stage I have no idea how to answer...

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