It's 2016!
As usual BRSBKBLOG will be doing a category challenge over on Librarything
No clever theme this year, just an attempt to read everything that enters the house in 2016 AND tackle the surplus of books from former years.
Back onto doing reviews (as and when) too - there was a raft of ARCs and review copies from people in the business I know, and I found it difficult to a) keep up and b) say positive things about all of them (sorry, but it's true) so that put me in a book review slump.
As you can see from the LT Challenge I've taken up the gauntlet of Jo Hall's Discoverability Challenge
It should be easy to acquire & read 1 book a month from a woman writer new to me, right? (suggestions welcome)
If you want to keep up on my own writing exploits I'm aiming to add a blog section to my other website there's a bunch of books coming out this year which have stories in by me!
First up is the Speculative Bookshop Book with a launch event in Glasgow on the 8th January. Sadly I cannot make it but if you're in the area you should drop in anyway!
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