Far Horizons turns 1 year old in April & we want you to help us celebrate by submitting a story. Far Horizons started as a way for self-pub, non-pub & thinly published writers to get their stories a readership. We seldom turn stories down, rather working with the writer (sometimes over a couple of months) to turn their work into something publishable. We run book extracts of self-published books and we are happy to take reprints, book reviews, film reviews, essays and interviews too.
If you are published in the pages of the magazine we are also happy to run an advert for your work.
So get scribbling - we want art and fiction and non-fiction for our celebration issue. We want a bumper issue!
Please send us your art and words at BRSBKBLOG at GMAIL dot COM by the 1st April to get into our April issue. If you miss the April deadline still send us a submission as we do publish monthly! Our submission guidelines below. The April issue is a special issue so shorts up to 4000 will be considered. If you have a longer story we do occasionally split them across issues so worth querying us.
If you've come across this blog post in your travels please do share it far and wide.
**Submission Guidelines**
We accept
*Fast Fiction (500-1200 words)
*Short Stories (!200-2500 MAX)
*Special issue shorts (4000 max)
* Novel extracts (5,000 max)
Submissions should follow basic formatting:
Times New Roman 12 point font
Indent of 1.25
Standard paragraphing (New paragraphs for dialogue)
UK English spelling is preferred
Please take note. We are looking for as many subs for April as possible. We can't pay you but if we publish your words we will add art and we will run an advert for you for free to publicise any book, your writing platform or you. Reprints are fine. Novel extracts are fine. If we publish your art we will similarly also post an advert for your work.
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